Finance and Debt Management

If you get your debt right, financial security will follow.

That’s why we make debt management a key part of your financial plan. It is one of the first things we look at for all of our clients.

Debt touches most things that we do. Few of us buy homes without taking on a mortgage, and even fewer can afford to make an investment without any debt.

But it is not just this ‘big debt’ that matters. There are other types of debt as well. Who doesn’t have a credit card (or three)? Or a car loan? Or even a HECS debt that needs to be repaid? Managing these debts properly adds significantly to your ‘bottom line.’ When you save money on debt repayments you free yourself up to move forward somewhere else. The money you save can be used to make extra super contributions, to seed an investment, to upgrade your home or just to do something nice like take a holiday or eat out a little more often.

And it is not just a matter of minimising interest. We help you ensure that your loans are structured properly, so that you can optimise everything else that debt touches. This includes things like tax deductibility, asset protection, repayment prioritisation and personal maintenance.

We can also provide credit services to organise home loans, investment loans, reverse mortgages, LRBA loans for SMSFs, credit cards and all other forms of debt. Our credit services are all provided under the authority of a licenced credit provider within the Australian Credit Licencing System.

John Frederick Jones

Director and Financial Planner

Having been in the financial services industry for over 41 years, John has had the pleasure of helping clients through all stages of their adult lives.
Helping and encouraging retired clients to spend, some of the funds they have saved over the years - to enjoy while their health allows, is one of the most rewarding experiences an adviser can have.
Even after so many years in the business, John still gets a real thrill out of:

  • Helping a new client establish their goals and to begin to feel the empowerment as they take control of their future.
  • Seeing the relief on the faces of a young family as they find security in their Family Protection Plan.
  • Walking with clients as they juggle the pressures of work / the business, family debt and the desire to create wealth and showing them there’s light at the end of the tunnel.
  • Sharing the joy of clients approaching retirement as they realise that they can achieve sufficient funds to retire when they want to, and still enjoy their desired lifestyle.
  • Caring when a newly-single Mum can see how she can provide for the family, achieve her financial goals and remain independent if she wishes.
  • Encouraging retirees that they can go on that trip of a lifetime without jeopardising their future desired lifestyle.

Helping clients find Peace of Mind is just as important as helping clients manage their resources effectively, according to John.

John is a student of life and always endeavours to help others as much as possible. Thus he is a Certified Financial Planner (CFP) holding the Diploma of Financial Planning; a registered financial tax adviser, qualified SMSF adviser, holds a NSW Teachers Certificate, and is a Chartered Insurance Agency Manager.
He also holds and values his membership with:

  • Financial Planning Association (FPA)
  • Association of Financial Advisers (Fellow)
  • Appin Chamber of Commerce (Ex Board)
  • Appin Mens Shed (Ex Board)
  • Bulli Community Centre (Board)
  • Bulli Woonona Mens Shed (Board)

John enjoys his life and really enjoys helping others create a better life for themselves.

John Frederick Jones is an authorised representative (244943) of Bluewater Financial Advisors Pty Ltd (AFSL 411846).

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